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International technical support officer Ventilation

Ubbink Centrotherm Group (2 jobs)


Our ambition is to achieve sales growth across our product portfolio over the next 3 years. The benefits for processors, end users, the environment and therefore our planet are cleaner air and higher...

  • MBO, HBO
  • Junior, Medior, Senior
  • Techniek
  • Projectontwikkeling, Installatiebedrijven, Bouw, Ventilatie Techniek
  • Latest update: 4/19/2024

International technical support officer Ventilation

Ubbink Centrotherm Group (2 jobs)


Vacature Onze ambitie is om in de komende 3 jaar een omzetgroei te realiseren in ons hele productassortiment. De voordelen voor verwerkers, eindgebruikers, het milieu en dus onze planeet zijn...

  • MBO, HBO
  • Junior, Medior
  • Techniek
  • Projectontwikkeling, Installatiebedrijven, Bouw, Ventilatie Techniek
  • Latest update: 4/22/2024

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Ontdek 2 vacatures Ubbink

Ubbink Centrotherm Group produces high quality, reliable and innovative products and services that provide safe and sustainable heating, comfortable and efficient ventilation and protection of the building structure. UCG adds value by solving building energy and climate issues while avoiding waste.